Sinergest Suite software is the answer to the search for a simple and complete tool that allows a centralized control and an integrated management of business processes. An organizational know-how born of over 20 years of consolidated expertise and experience in management systems, joining the most advanced web technology, to create an extremely versatile application. The fundamental feature of the software is its Extreme Flexibility, which makes it perfectly suited to the functional features of every business.
Sinergest Suite software for Quality, HSE management, is the innovative solution to establish centralized control and an integrated management of company processes. Its modular structure, multilingual and multi-establishment, easily integrates the data used in processes related to different management systems and those from other company’s software, assuring only one data flow and shared operating procedures between establishments, companies, functions, clients, partners and suppliers. The e-mail and sms notification service also sets an accurate and automatic control of events and frequency.
Centralized and Complete Control of the quality, safety at work and environment systems in accordance with the normative and legislative requirements
Integrated management of the company’s processes, the data is entered only once in an organized flow.
Optimization of management time and of processes and data analysis.
Standardization of control logic and operative modality between function, departments, branches and establishments.
Improvement of efficiency towards clients/suppliers. Greater competitiveness and efficiency on the market.
Extreme accessibility to the data and real time sharing of information and documents by the companies’ functions thanks to a web-based technology.
With the quality management software Sinergest Suite you can fulfil all your UNI EN ISO9001: 2015 compliances in a very easy way, adaptable to your needs, guaranteeing your company a real organisational tool for growth.
If you are looking for a software for your company’s quality management, your needs are quite clear: you have to fulfill a great number of deadlines and various requirements related to internal procedures and legislative aspects in force. The processes are often managed by several resources in a fragmented way, with the help of heterogeneous and non-integrated supports (including e-mails, paper, various word and excel files) which do not allow tracking of the work done. This can lead not only to some unpleasant situations but also to problems related to information dispersion, the missing traceability of activities, and the absence of a global vision.
What you are looking for in a quality management software is therefore a technology which makes your company’s processes faster and easier by centralizing the information, by ensuring the receiving and the correct management of the legislative and normative prescriptions (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015), which guarantees complete control of deadlines, dispositions and anomalies. Simplicity of your IT is fundamental; it allows immediate and intuitive use for every kind of operator, who is able to adapt and enhance the characteristics of your company, guaranteeing you a better organizational improvement.
Many types of quality management software on the market provide typical ERP approach solutions; they are often rigid and slow in implementation and use, so that they force companies to adapt themselves to the management flow of the software and come with a very high cost of modifications both in terms of time and money. Others offer the opportunity of an economic solution useable immediately, but they are often not able to introduce a real organizational advantage or adapt to companies’ and users’ needs.
The easiest solution is custom made anda at a high competence level.
Each company, each process, each function is unique and has to be followed in its specificity: more than 20 years of business activity in the management system and consultation field has made Sinergest a company specialized in management system and processes optimization. Sinergest Suite is the only quality management system developed from a specific competence acquired by Sinergest consultants together with a web-based advanced technology able to adapt to the company’s evolution and continually evolving needs of the company and its operators.
Sinergest Suite software, usable from PC, smartphone and tablet, guarantees an efficient and centralized control over processes and the company’s deadlines, integrating itself easily with the informative systems already in use by the company. Thanks to its extreme flexibility and to Sinergest’s Project Managers’ competence, the application rapidly adapts to your company’s organizational flow. Once it is configured, the system manages independently events and frequencies, notifying you when necessary through an e-mail or sms notification service which is activated in case of alert, deadlines, regulations or anomalies. Its extreme simplicity and usability allow an immediate use by the company’s operator, through specific interfaces (ordinary or simplified view, specific apps for smartphones and tablets) studied to guarantee maximum usability.
Quality Management Software Modules, for managing your company’s processes in accordance with uni en iso 9001:2015, in perspective of continuous improvement.
Sinergest Suite – Complaint Management Software is the software dedicated to both complaint and anomalies collection and treatment. The instrument allows for an organized management and a centralized control over the process related to complaint management, introducing a new operative standard and optimizing management times and modalities. The web-based technology on which the software is developed allows also both internal and external accessibility to the instrument.
The system allows the scheduling of specific activities for complaints management, which activate a due register featured with a notification service (e-mail or SMS), configured on the necessities. The module also allows to directly connect to Non- Conformity or Corrective Action management.
Data and information related to complaints management traceability makes periodical statistics elaborations possible, useful to face eventual problems and allow for services/products offered to the market continuous improvements.
Sinergest Suite Non-Conformity Management Software was born to allow the registration and management of non-conformity related to management systems.
Each company has the necessity to define the specific collection and treatment methods for non-conformity and anomalies due to the non-satisfaction of their requirements related to their own management systems (Quality, Safety, and Environment). The management of Internal Process related non-conformity, products and services assume an important role in the continuous improvement of the company organization.
Sinergest Suite – Non-Conformity Management Software allows the introduction of a unique tool for the collection and centralized control of the detected non-conformity. The system facilitates the adoption of a shared operative standard, guaranteeing at the same time a flexible management depending on the single system needs.
The system implies the management related activity scheduling, that merge into a due register and activate an e-mail/SMS notification services configured according to the necessities. The control Dashboards in the application homepage immediately highlight any eventual critical issues compared to the preset parameters (expired activities, not managed non-conformity …). The system allows to keep costs and non-conformity related times under control as well as the opportune statistical analysis elaboration.
The software allows an IT registration and management of the company non-conformity in the quality, safety and environment area; based on vertically configurable criteria for each single management system. The form compiling is performed in a guided, simple and intuitive way.
Non-Conformity can be generated in the view of Complaints, and directly connect to the specific module for eventual Corrective, Preventive and Improving Action management. Links between the forms are seen as a process tree that allows to control the management production chain in any moment.
Corrective Actions management module organize and verify the execution of necessary corrective, preventive actions and improvement plans.
Corrective and preventive actions management, as well as improvement plans, represent a fundamental element for the organizational system related anomalies resolution. Acting promptly on, potential or actual, causes of detected non-conformity, allows the company to obtain real improvements in its own processes and organization.
Sinergest Suite – Corrective Action Management guarantees an integrated control and a centralized management over corrective, preventive and improving actions related to management systems. The application can be integrated with Complaints and Non-Conformity modules and registers sources, data and information related to the detected non-conformities, allowing an analysis of the potential or actual causes and to prearrange activities and efficacy/execution verification.
The application allows the identification of sources and it registers inside the corrective, preventive and improving action management form the information related to the non-conformity for which it was generated. It allows non-conformity actual or potential causes analysis as well.
The system implies activity scheduling and control through a specific due register and a notification service (e-mail or SMS). It also allows the efficacy and execution planning with communication of the involved function.
The use of a single centralized instrument for management systems related corrective actions management and control, guarantees a greater promptness and efficacy of the undertaken actions. The activities traceability allows constant statistic re-elaboration.
8D Report is used in the AUTOMOTIVE sector for products complaints management on which flaws have been detected. The IT module allows the not in conformance product treatments and corrective actions for company processes management, integrating them in a single document. The system allows the automatic sending of reports to the customer attesting the actions or solutions adopted and their efficacy. 8D Report management is integrable with the “Complaints” module on the Sinergest Suite platform.
Sinergest Suite – CQC Report Module, allows the registration of control activities over the product quality with a subsequent emission of a Quality and Conformity Certificate, requested in the AUTOMOTIVE sector.
The system allows the registration of the controls executed on specific product samples based on the critical characteristics of control.
CQC Report is in conformance with the sector’s normative.
Sinergest Suite Return Management Module tracks, optimize and make the entire process of return management effective.
Returns management, inside companies, can generate from customers’ requests or from an appropriate treatment of non-conformity, passing through reception, evaluation and authorization phases, including related dispositions and documents management. Traceability as well as the control over progress status becomes fundamental.
Sinergest Suite – Returns Management Software contributes to an efficient and effective product return, contributing to establish standard operative modalities facilitating a rapid information sharing.
The application allows the return registration, through a form to fill in with all the data related to the request. The form allows the returned products rapid selection and management. The module arranges an immediate communication to those assigned to returns evaluation and authorization. The application can begin complementary activities scheduling, on which activates a due register and an e-mail notification service.
When approving a return, the system allows the elaboration, integration and sending of an authorization form, for the goods identification and carrying. It is possible to upload documents and monitor the return management state, origin and links with related files in any moment, through the practical research function (Navigator).
The system is integrated with modules for Notification Report and Non-Conformity management, to allow an automatic request collection from the customers as well as the treatment of internally detected Non-Conformity.
A company owning its own Management System, needs for normative and legislative reasons to activate qualification and monitoring processes on suppliers for materials and services provisioning. Those activities, in addition to requiring the involvement of multiple company functions (Purchases Area, Technical Area, Quality, Safety, Environment Manager), are slowed and weighted down by a large production and management of paper documents and by a not automatized management. Sinergest Suite Software is the ideal solution for a rapid and organized suppliers’ management. The application makes the supplier qualification and monitoring (vendor rating) simple and automatic, establishing standard operative modalities and information sharing inside the company.
Sinergest Suite allows the definition of suppliers’ qualification criteria and the collection, analysis and evaluation of the information related to the suppliers’ qualification. The system manages dispositions, communications and authorization requests, through due registers and e-mail notifications. It provides digital archiving of documents and automatically updates the suppliers’ register, informing the related functions in real time.
QUALIFICATION CRITERIA – Define and configure your supplier’s qualification criteria
QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE – Manage the supplier selection procedure, activities to execute, documents to collect and inspection to perform. From the company form it is possible to launch a qualification form to proceed in the supplier’s information evaluation defining an outcome.
DOCUMENTS ARCHIVING – Archive in a rapid way all the documents related to the qualification process, computerizing all the collected evidences.
DEADLINES CONTROL – The application manages the activities assigned to the qualification process through due registers and keeps the qualified suppliers’ register updated with a defined persons’ group notification services. It also manages the control on eventual documents expiry date (ex. Certificates, qualification,) revoking all managers and the supplier itself to the related update through an automatic e-mail notification service.
NOTIFICATION – Informs in real time the company functions related to the executed qualification, with an always available suppliers’ register available.
MONITORING METHODS – It configures your suppliers’ monitoring methods through the combination of automatic indicators. For each method defines target values, merit classes and a calculation frequency. The system elaborates a supplier classification based on the results obtained through periodic monitoring reports and by doing this is able to keep its tendency under control.
CORRECTIVE/PREVENTIVE/IMPROVING ACTIONS – Linked to the eventual Corrective, Preventive, and improving actions management module, the application integrates rapidly data coming from other modules as well as other company software.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS – The application allows a global vision on the supplies’ tendency, keeping track on the evaluations history and its related results.
Sinergest Suite – Vendor Rating Software allows the definition of monitoring criteria (vendor rating) configuring automatic indexes, with the possibility of attributing different “weights” (rating methods), supplied by Sinergest Suite’s information integrated with other applications (ex PMS). The subsequent definition of merit classes based on the results, and of a calculation frequency, make sure that each monitoring method can be assigned to suppliers. After the periodic launch of the vendor rating calculation, based on the outcomes, the application elaborates a classification of suppliers allowing the control over their tendency and the management of eventual appropriate actions, with the possible integration with Sinergest Suite module for corrective actions management.
Sinergest Suite – Acceptance Phase Control Management Software allows the predisposition of control plan during the “acceptance” phase which, when a batch form is automatically (through Delivery Document movement integration) or manually (operator loading data) make sure that the application prearranges an acceptance control report for verifications registration. In case of a Non-Conformity, from the acceptance control form a non-conformity report can be compiled or prearranged automatically (Sinergest Suite Module linked) for the flawed batch treatment.
The module allows control plans prearrangement, in which configuring sampling plans, control frequencies and control specifics (characteristics). The control plan of a specific item or article category/family, is the propaedeutic tool for minutes predisposition.
Depending on in entrance batches, automatically integrated from the project management software or manually loaded by the operator, the application prearranges a batch form and a control minutes form, which collect verification outcomes, providing the possibility of printing identifying tags for each controlled material. The accepted product is stocked in warehouses or immediately accesses the production phase.
Sinergest Suite – Production Control Management Software allows the predisposition of production control plans based on the number of batch produced or on the sampling manually performed by the operator. The system prearranges a production control report or deliberates for the registration of the executed verifications on the critical features of a product. In case of a Non-Conformity, from the control report is possible to generate and automatically compile a Non-Conformity report or perform further sampling. Moreover, for the “automotive” sector, the system is connectable to other Sinergest Suite modules such as “CQC” (Certificates of Quality and Conformance)
The module allows the prearrangement of control plans, in which configure sampling plans, control frequencies and control specifics (characteristics). The control plan of a specific item or an item’s category/family, is the propaedeutic tool for reports prearrangement.
Based on the number of batch produced, automatically integrated from the PMS (Project Management Software) or manually loaded by the operator, the application prearranges a batch form and a control report form, which collects verifications outcomes, giving the possibility of printing identifying tags for the controlled material.
Sinergest Suite- Measurement Instruments Management is the software which allows a centralized control over all measurement instruments, test and trial, guaranteeing technical sheets management, calibration methods definition, both external and internal intervention registering and scheduling and document and certificates upload. An e-mail notification service allows the control over anomalies and automatically communicates them to the assigned managers.
The module manages the measurement instrument list, registered through technical sheets and allows the predisposition of calibration plans. It provides a notification service supporting managers in the preventive activation of the calibration plans for the instruments.
The system allows the registration of internal or external calibration intervention (executed in laboratory) and the upload of the related documents. For each calibration form the system allows the predisposition of the calibration reports and includes the possibility of printing identifying tags for instruments.
Sinergest Suite Audit Management Software Module is structured for Company Audit planning, execution and registration phases management, implied in organizational, normative and legislative areas of first or third parties (Quality, Safety, Environment, Plant Inspections, Verification and Supplier Processes).
The desktop module of the Audit Management Software allows the following activities:
Audit scheduling with notification to Auditor and to the involved functions
Check-list models configuration necessary for execution and evidences collection during verification
Mechanism activation possibility for weight and score calculation for quest (the score calculation method can be customized)
Check-list standard selection for type at the audit opening, with possible customization and last verification findings visualization.
Audit report prearrangement with check-list and eventual scoring/calculation method configuration
Findings register for Audit finding state monitoring
Possible Audit management and execution with evidences and findings registration through the Tablet App integrated with the module, controlled operator signature collection.
Opening and linking to eventual Non-Conformity or Corrective/Improving actions possibility.
Audit App, connected to Audit Management Software desktop module, allows the audit plan consultation, checklist compiling, upload of pictures directly taken from the tablet, attached to the collected evidences. Audit App makes the main executed audit data available and guarantees the automatic compiling of findings in the audit report, eliminating irritating paper supports. The application allows the offline use as well, successively syncing data with the desktop module.
Audit Data Consultation: You can consult the company Audit scheduling related to each management system directly from your iPad/Android Tablet, select the Audit and start the compiling process. By clicking on the single Audit, it is possible to immediately view the information and statistics of the related data, with particular interest on the progress state of the Audit report (number of quest performed/to perform, number of positive/negative/not-applicable quest).
Checklist download and Quest compiling: Audit App allows the download of the prearranged necessary checklist for the Audit execution. The system implies guided steps for quests compiling. If any quest has a problem, it is notified and it is possible to have a preview of the detected findings.
Evidences and Findings Collection: During the compiling phase it is possible to collect in real time, through vocal registration as well, evidences and findings during the Audit execution.
Video and Images Attachment Possibility: Text, images (documents, situations) or video format evidences collection. Pictures can be modified, with the possibility of inserting directions or to highlight details.
Operator Signature Collection: Controlled operator signature collection with signature insertion directly from the tablet.
Not-applicable Quest Management
Score Assignment
Offline Mode: The Audit App is thought to be used in offline mode too, maintaining the same functions of the online mode (exception made for vocal recognition, which needs an internet connection). During the use in offline mode, the modification are saved on the device to keep track of the progresses. As soon as the connection is available, it is possible to sync data with the software version, by simply clicking on the sync button in the homepage. In addition to this, at the logout the user is given the possibility to sync all the changes made during the ended session.
Multi-Company Mode: Multi-Company mode enables the App to select the company for which the Audit is being executed through a simple configuration system (It is necessary to login again after a new company configuration).
Document release management (life cycle and electronic signatures) automatic distribution supported by a notification service, automatic predisposition of document lists, document and outdated revision.
Sinergest Suite – R&D (Research & Development) Software allows the management of each phase related to planning processes, in terms of scheduling and registration. A single tool shared by all resources, which allows the communication and real time sharing of information, data and document, as well as the advanced control over each phase and its related costs.
The application allows the collection of project inputs (normative and requests), the predisposition of a specific folder for the definition of planning specifics and requirements and the redaction and sharing of a project plan.
Sinergest Suite allows the control over progress status, costs and deadlines related to each phase through an e-mail notification system. For each phase is possible to arrange a specific report and to manage outputs. The system provides the project’s final validation to ensure that the initial requirements have been met.
The software allows project’s documents archiving, organization and real time sharing as well as the immediate disposition of industrialization documents to productive areas.
Sinergest Suite “Improvement Objectives and Index” module allows the predisposition of the various process indicators. The system requires the dashboards configurations through the indicators combination, for which a monitoring and target period needs to be defined.
Through Sinergest Suite and other application in the company data collection, it is possible to set an automatic calculation of the partial calculation of both the period and the eventual reached result derivations management.
Thanks to Sinergest Suite HSE software, you can deal with all your safety compliances and guarantee your company a control on legislative and normative elements (D.Lgs. 81/2008-ISO 45001 – UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, EMAS regulations) in an easy, complete and prompt way, protecting yourself from unexpected events and fines, and contributing to your company’s organizational evolution.
The research for safety at work software is done by companies that have to deal with their normative and legislative obligations (D.Lgs. 81/2008 – OHSAS 180001). The law indeed requires the necessary risk detection and the definitions and execution of measures to contain those risks, role and task assignment in the health and safety field (managers, people in charge, RSPP/ASPP, emergency teams, RLS, a competent medic) and each of them manage some activities and have to keep their respective deadlines under control. The resources often work on various tools (paper, outlook, excel…), which do not allow a centralization of the company’s data and a full deadline control, as well as a real time alert on critical situations. These can lead to a risk of delays and defaults, which can turn into an unexpected event and fine.
An efficient safety at work management system can actually represent an opportunity for companies to guarantee not only physical and legal protection of persons from possible administrative and criminal liability, but also a cut down in “not safety” costs (e.g. days of sick leave/accidents), enhancement and consequent customer loyalty schemes of human resources, obtaining of fiscal detraction and optimization of organizational and management processes. All this enables you to determine the company’s increasing rate of competitive level. Safety at work software becomes an essential tool for management and growth, able to guarantee a full and centralized control on all the processes, as well as the necessary supervision of resources and activities, and the emission of specific alerts in critical situations.
Many solutions on the market often present a typical ERP approach, characterized by a rigid and slow implementation, often lacking a real organizational know-how in the safety at work field. Other solutions have a purely ‘documental’ approach, orientated towards the normative and legislative evidences, without being a real tool of process management and organizational evolution.
Software SicurezzaSinergest Suite Security is safety at work software which allows you to manage every security process within a company in a simple, thorough and integrated way. Built on a web-based technology, it can be implemented in companies in a rapid and modular way to guarantee the activity control in full conformance with the normative and legislative requirements (D.Lgs.81/08 – OHSAS 18001). Versatile and extremely flexible, the application integrates itself into the informative systems in use or it can be personalized for each company’s specific needs.
The application guarantees a centralized control on activities, through automatic notifications (e-mails and sms) configurable alerts for deadlines, dispositions, communications and elements out of control. It is possible to have a global view on all the activities and the elements managed in the safety area at any time (Medical visits, PPE, training, maintenance).
HSE Software Modules, for establishing control of deadlines and fulfillments of duty in accordance with the law (D. Igs. 81/08 – ISO 45001 – EMAS – ISO 14001).
Sinergest Suite – Human Resources Management System is an advanced management instrument for a complete control and optimization of processes related to human resources. The software integrates itself with the informative systems in use and with salary and contributions management software to manage the organizational, safety and personnel training aspects, establishing standard operative procedures allowing an easy data and statistics re-elaboration.
The system allows the creation and management of an organizational profile completed with the employee personal data and its related deadlines, contract information, roles, tasks and assigned competences. It also allows the employee to insert Days Off and Permission requests, absence communication as well as the authorization and control from the competent functions.
The module implies the specific management of safety aspects with safety task assignment by the DVR, competences and specific qualifications, risks visits, PPE and Work Equipment.
The module allows personnel Training and Support activity management and registration, course request and resources training necessities insertion. The system allows the resource automatic training curriculum update as well as the statistics analysis re-elaboration.
Training and support requests scheduling and management, training session and statistics analysis registration. E-learning systems integration and integrated training management.
PPE Management software guarantees a centralized and effective control over assignment and personal protective equipment delivery.
The respect for the normative in workplace safety area implies the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the workers, depending on the risks detected by the DVR (Risk Assessment Document) and on the safety task assigned. PPE management implies a necessary assignment to operators depending on these criteria, delivery and deadlines management, documents archiving, actual and correct use monitoring.
Sinergest Suite- PPE Management Software allows a centralized control over PPE assignment and delivery activities, as well as the eventual inspection and the statistics analysis possibility.
The application allows the automatic assignment of personal protective equipment and work clothes and devices to resources, after the definition of the specific safety task. The specific assignment can be customized based on the operator.
The Medical Visits Management module allows the scheduling, management and control over the sanitary surveillance of the Personnel.
The respect for the normative regarding health and safety in a work environment implies the identification and control over risks to which each employee is exposed as well as the medical visits and periodic scrutiny arrangement. This requires the company the sanitary surveillance program management, specific for each resource.
Sinergest Suite – Medical Visits Management Software allows the company to have a centralized control over the sanitary surveillance of the Personnel activities, with task and risks identification for each employee, sanitary protocol assignment, exams and medical visit with its related attachments management and control.
The system allows the company tasks configuration and the risk identification to which each employee is exposed, automatically assigning the related sanitary protocol.
Depending on the sanitary protocol, Sinergest Suite allows the control and management of the periodic deadlines related to exams and medical visits. It allows also their registration a scheduling to a next date.
The implementation of a Safety System with its related normative and legislative requirements, inevitably implies the company deadlines management related to activity, documents, infrastructure, customers and suppliers. The use of different and often not integrated tools (Outlook,Excel,paper…) does not guarantee a full control over deadlines and hides the risk of delays and noncompliance.
The use of an integrated and simple deadlines management system becomes fundamental, being able to guarantee a prompt and centralized control, accessible outside the company too.
Sinergest Suite Due Register is a centralized and integrated instrument for all the company deadlines management. The module funnels deadlines coming from the single management modules and allows the creation, registration and the scheduling of other events regarding entities, infrastructure, departments, company areas, customers and supplier.
Safety parameters progress indicators dashboard, updated in real time, at RSPP disposal. Possibility of threshold alarm configuration with automatic alert notification.
The software module for Contract Management has the following functions:
It is possible to integrate the contract module with the Reception module to verify the suitability state of the subcontracting company and of the entrance phase assigned operator.
Reception Management module is studied to allow an organized management of the switchboard and secretariat activities. Reception management is a central element for a company that involves numerous activities, from the phone call management to entrances control, from presences management to personnel’s agenda management. An effective reception organization allows to improve the internal coordination as well as to externally transmit an efficient and reassuring image of the company.
Sinergest Suite – Reception Management Software ensure an effective reception activities management, through the use of a management tool that allows the operator to manage phone calls, entrances, presences and agenda.
The module allows a structured IT registration of the incoming phone calls of the company, with the possibility for the recipient to receive a prompt e-mail notification (on smartphone or tablet too) and to access immediately to data and to the contact history.
Periodic meetings scheduling and registration, inspections register, SPP (PPS) communication management.
Suggestions/Consultation forms management.
Detailed analysis of all health risks and safety during work, for each task and work environment in conformance with D.Lgs 81/08 and s.m.i.
Task and Activity scheduling and assignment, with deadline.
Chromavis S.p.A., a subsidiary of Fareva, was born in 2008 from the fusion of two companies, Gamma Chroma and Clavis, and since then has distinguished itself by its constant growth, becoming a major company in the production of skin care and make-up products for third parties worldwide. Its success is due to factors acquired over the years such as the complete traceability of the production cycle, continuous investment in research and development, and its spirit of innovation and creativity.
Critical issues, problems, objectives
A preliminary analysis conducted by our consultants identified the need to manage processes relating to the company’s quality and safety systems in a more integrated fashion, with the implementation of up-to-date, centralized software systems designed to meet their specific needs.
Aspects to be improved: management of registration procedures and control and measuring processes with the active involvement of the personnel in four separate establishments located in different parts of Italy.
High priority actions to be taken: re-organization of the human resources management process (in terms of roles, organisational tasks, safety tasks, nominations, training, IPD, medical visits); management of documents; and management of non-conformities and corrective, preventive, and improvement measures in the fields of quality and safety, ensuring appropriate action in cases of anomalies, near-miss incidents, accidents, and injuries.
Medium-term interventions: the company has requested Sinergest to develop advanced tools for carrying out audits and inspections of processes, production sites, departments, infrastructure and suppliers.
The standard Sinergest Suite platform provided solutions which matched the client’s needs. Sinergest’s preliminary analysis highlighted the need for a custom-designed, yet simple configuration of the Sinergest modules. The Sinergest software package, together with some Excel templates, were integrated with the company’s Oracle system, allowing the company to reconfigure its product tables rapidly and also to organize and load all of its historic data.
In the near future, use of the Sinergest Suite platform could be extended to Chromavis establishments abroad and to other business units of the company.
Further developments
After the successful introduction of the platform, the company decided to further invest in the control of its management systems, requesting that Sinergest design an advanced system for the analysis of statistical data.
Cromology is a leading multinational company in paint and varnish production for the construction industry, with 13 plants and 3,900 employees. The Cromology group directly distributes its prestigious brands – MaxMeyer, Baldini Vernice, Duco, Tollens, Settef, Cepro, Viero, MaxMeyerDIY, Mister Color, Lo Specialista Mister Color – to over 7,000 stores in 8 different countries and its products are retailed in more than 40 other countries around the world. An important pillar of the business is a network of 300 own stores dedicated to serving both the construction industry and the consumer DYI market.
Environmental sustainability in its production processes, eco-compatible products, and low VOC levels (Volatile Organic Compounds) represent three key hallmarks of Cromology Italy, which has always placed a priority on the protection of the environment.
Critical issues, problems, and objectives
Quality, technological innovation and research, and adherence to the highest environmental standards are primary objectives for Cromology Italy, which is committed to the delivery of products which not only satisfy the contracted requirements but also the implicit expectations of its clients.
Cromology has put in place an integrated quality/safety management system oriented to constantly improve performance in these two vital areas, and the company is certified in accordance with the current laws (ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001). The company is aware of the importance of staff training and provides structured tutorials in specific areas not only for its employees but also for interested users and clients.
After thorough discussions with the client, the agreed objective was to develop a computerized system and standard operating procedures to manage the business administration of this large international company. The priorities were efficiency and simplicity, developing protocols that would be intuitive for operators at all levels and that could be implemented in every part of the business (from production to sales) and in every country in the world where Cromology products are sold.
The company’s quality and safety systems were greatly improved by the introduction of a web software tool that has resulted in the more effective management of:
personnel, IPD and medical visits
non-conformities and corrective action
control and monitoring of all processes and management of inspections
sample analysis at the pick-up point (e.g., analysis of wastewater samples in accordance with norms)
quality audits (in-house inspections), using a mobile app integrated with the management modules
the company’s canteens, through a mobile app and a dedicated module to manage the menu
Ongoing projects
Sinergest has designed a computerized system for the analysis of data from quality control inspections conducted by Cromology’s technicians on the premises of clients and potential clients, who can then access the findings in dedicated views. A mobile app for technicians is currently being developed.
The prestigious University of Pisa, which was founded in 1343, is an extremely active center for learning and research consisting of 20 academic departments, 17 libraries, and 13 museums and collections, with their attendant service structures.
Critical issues, problems, objectives
The requirements of the University of Pisa were to manage the training activities relating to the health and safety prescriptions laid out in D.Lgs. 81/2008 and State-Regions Agreement for all of its personnel (3,700 persons). The objective was to create an integrated solution that would allow the reliable control and management of the training process in conformity with the normative and legislative requirements, as well as the mass distribution of online training programs.
For this project Sinergest brought in a partner specializing in Learning Management Systems (LMS) in order to implement two new applications: a Sinergest Suite workflow module to manage the training process and an e-learning platform to distribute online training activities. The Sinergest Suite modules, adapted to manage the tasks required by the DVR and the training activities required by law, have been installed on a Cloud Server. The function of the application is to plan courses, register their distribution, archive the relevant documentation, and to build a training curriculum of the university’s resources.
Sinergest, in collaboration with its partner, then integrated an open-source version of the most widely used Italian e-learning system with its own application and created a specific web portal for the distribution of online training. The Sinergest Suite application enables employees to take part in the course by accessing the link to the training platform and data.
Once the exam is passed (there is a legislative warranty for the distribution of the course), the information is transferred from e-learning system into Sinergest Suite app, the documentation is integrated, and the training requirements are updated, as is the training curriculum of the resource.
A video tutorial and a help desk are available for users on the e-learning platform, with request forwarding and opening of a ticjet in order to manage any need for interventions.
The complete integration of the e-learning system with the Sinergest application has therefore been achieved: immediate registration of training activities, control and monitoring of resources, and facilitated communication and distribution of the training activities through the mass distribution of the course materials.
Waste Recycling S.p.a, which is now part of the HERA Group, has been operating in the field of industrial waste disposal for over 20 years.
Today, thanks to their experience and their continuous investment in plant and human resources, the company is able to offer other companies with effective solutions to any problem relating to the transport, handling and disposal of industrial waste – both hazardous and non-hazardous, both solid and liquid.
In order to carry out these activities with competence and reliability and to provide their clients with qualified and punctilious service, the company has developed a modern and well equipped laboratory, which in addition to conducting analyses to identify the waste materials entering and exiting the waste recycling platform, also carries out R&D projects in collaboration with various universities.
The waste recycling is carried out by two recycling plants in Castelfranco di Sotto with over 20,000 square meters of roofed floor space and over 100 employees. The company’s head office is based in Santa Croce sull’Arno.
Waste Recycling has chosen Sinergest to computerize its processes in the areas of:
Personnel management (training and human resources)
IPD management
Management of medical check-ups for employees
Management of the company’s due register
Maintenance management
Document management
Supplier management
Lima Corporate is an Italian-based multinational corporation which has been operating in the sector of orthopaedics and traumatology for 60 years, specializing in substitutive implantable bone articulation prostheses for the knee, shoulder, hip and smaller joints. Lima is proud of its international profile; its corporate structure includes 17 foreign branches and three state-of-the-art production sites in Italy and the Republic of San Marino.
Critical issues, problems and objectives
Sinergest was requested to carry out a thorough analysis of the company’s processes and organisational structure and to recommend organisational solutions and process interventions with short start-up times.
Two main areas requiring intervention emerged from our analysis: (i) the optimization of the company’s management system processes in general; and (ii) an issue specific to Lima, which we found to be caught in a limbo between its management software and its certification software, which were being used in tandem in an ad hoc manner, relying on non-structured tools such as Access, Excel, and even text files and paper documents.
Step 1- Standard intervention phase
Optimization of the overall management systems, focusing on the areas of Quality, Personnel, and Maintenance. Sinergest introduced corrective and preventive procedures, measures to improve operations, clear profiling of roles and infrastructure, and improvements to implants, machinery and equipment maintenance procedures.
Step 2 – Personalized intervention phase. Sinergest provided solutions in the areas of:
Management of projects relating to custom-made products involving external parties such as retailers and orthopaedic surgeons.
Handling customer complaints (by doctors or patients) in which external parties may also be involved, such as insurance brokers.
Management of project changes or adaptations with the creation of ad hoc modules, given the multi-site and multi-lingual nature of the organization.
Phase 1 was carried out by the development of a package of standard Sinergest Suite modules, adapting certain elements and functions to meet the client’s needs, and fully integrating these modules with the software already in place (Oracle, JD Edwards, and Nicim).
The rapidity with which the Sinergest modules were implemented and their ease of use was noted with positive feedback at every level, from the supervisors responsible for the control and coordination of operations to those involved in production.
A key element in Sinergest’s strategic approach was to collaborate closely with Lima’s IT department, which supervised all the activities and validated the cloud structure designed by Sinergest by leasing ad hoc infrastructures from international Cloud Providers.
The certifications received from Italian and European authorities and from the US FDA confirm the validity of the Sinergest Suite solution.
Phase 2 demanded detailed analysis of the three areas in question and the involvement of many outside players, such as business organizations. Given the need to collaborate closely with the client (generally an orthopaedic surgeon) who has requested a special order, Sinergest developed a solution involving partnership with a web company in order to take advantage of their specialized technical expertise.
The web company created a web portal and IOS and Android apps to allow doctors to interact with Lima Corporate by exchanging information, documents and data. Sinergest created a module for the desktop management of the internal workflow, thus coordinating the integrated functioning of the two systems during every step of the process from designing the product and conducting feasibility studies to final approval by the doctor and realization of the product in one of Lima’s specialized production facilities.
The final result is a management tool created by Sinergest (integrated with the technical expertise of an outside partner) that is being used by the company with its clients worldwide.
Chimet S.p.a (Arezzo), a leading company in the precious metals recovery sector, has chosen Sinergest to undertake the project of computerizing its quality and safety systems. The processes involved include:
Non-conformities, corrective action, and complaint management
Personnel management
Business document management
Deadline management
Maintenance management
Supplier management
Control processes management
The objective of the company, which has grown rapidly in recent years both in size and sales volume, is to bring into operation an efficient, integrated system designed to facilitate control and time management and to establish standard operational modalities.
Oleificio R.M. S.p.A was born in 1901 on a hillside near Lucca and since then has grown over five generations and over 110 years of business activity. Since the early 1960s its reach has expanded and Oleificio R.M. is now a recognized brand in the national and international markets, selling in over 50 countries. The company has always managed its business processes with the greatest rigour and is certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO22000, IFS, and BRC. It is in the process of implementing a safety system in conformity with OHSAS 18001.
Critical issues, problems, objectives
The company identified three different areas in which management support was needed:
• Organisation: through the implementation of an advanced platform able to support various themes and smoothly integrate with the existing management systems of the company.
• Certifications: organizing and managing procedures to acquire the necessary certifications and to implement legislative prescriptions in their management system.
• IT: committing itself to the implementation of a well-designed, up-to-date and flexible IT system that can be integrated with the computerized processes already in place.
Sinergest has been collaborating with Oleificio R.M. S.p.A on a basis of mutual esteem and satisfaction for over 15 years, offering consultancy services in the areas of process optimization, maintenance of quality certifications, and food hygiene and safety (H.A.C.C.P.).
Sinergest has recently developed solutions to support the company in areas relating to its oil mills and production processes. It continues to provide consultancy services in the above-mentioned areas and has now expanded its activities to assist Oleificio R.M. in obtaining and maintaining specific food certifications (IFS, BRC and ISO 22000), and to provide advice in the field of health and safety at work (D.lgs. 81/2008), and OHSAS 18001 certification.
Sinergest has continued to collaborate with Oleificio R.M. as it has grown and evolved, providing a Sinergest Suite package especially adapted to the company’s needs. With its implementation the company has a completely integrated and advanced management system which manages documents, due registers, human resources (training, IPD and medical visits), supplier monitoring and qualification, maintenance, and audits. Through mobile apps it also efficiently manages complaints, non-conformities, and corrective, preventive and improving actions.
And the final result? A sound company with a secure position at the top of its market, able to guarantee its clients excellent quality through the meticulous control and evaluation of its production processes, and the constant striving for improvements supported by investments in infrastructure and technology.
Messaggerie del Garda S.p.a is a modern company which offers innovative solutions and services in the national and international transport and logistics sector. With over 50 years of experience, the company has 5 head offices in Lombardy, 130 employees, 100,000 square meters of warehouse space, and is linked to international offices in New York, Shanghai and Belgrade.
The company has chosen to implement an integrated quality and safety system in order to optimize the organization and management of the company and its internal processes and be able to guarantee their clients effective, efficient and reliable service. To achieve this, the company realized that it was strategically important to be equipped with up-to-date management tools.
Critical issues
Messaggerie del Garda determined that an advanced tool for the control of their management systems was necessary after their Quality system (certified for over 15 years) was integrated with their Security and Environment system (SQAS), and in order to comply with the norms prescribed in D.L. 81/2008.
This required the hiring and training of personnel with particular qualifications and further compulsory training for its present employees. The company has grown in terms of sales volume as well as the number of employees, resulting in an increase in the workload.
An ad hoc set of management tools (Excel spreadsheets, paper documents, specialized software …) with no overall system to integrate their use made it difficult to obtain a global view of the company’s activities and to trace these activities in detail, with the consequent risk of the dispersion or loss of information. The largely manual system of record keeping made it very difficult to conduct statistical analyses. With numerous deadlines to monitor and the risk of defaults, situations of tension often were created.
Messaggerie del Garda has chosen to implement a computerized management solution characterized by a systematic and integrated approach. The project developed by Sinergest using web-based Sinergest Suite software was designed to impact in 3 main areas:
• Personnel management
Implementation of Sinergest Suite software in the Human Resources area has allowed the complete, flexible and integrated management of all the processes relating to the company’s personnel. For each employee the following profiles have been created:
◦ An organisational profile (with information regarding the individual’s department, role, organizational tasks and professional competences)
◦ A security and safety profile (with information regarding the individual’s tasks and attendant risks, security competences, medical check-ups and protection devices)
◦ A training profile which automatically manages and updates the employee’s professional curriculum
• Non-conformity – Corrective action management
The introduction of a single management tool, accessible via web and shared with all the plants, allows each branch complete autonomy in the registration and management of anomalies and corrective action in accordance with a standard operating procedure and a centralized management control system. All information is tracked and recorded in detail, and the statistical data that can now be generated constitutes strategic input for continuous improvement.
• Deadline management
A centralized due register monitors all deadlines relating to corrective, preventive and improvement measures, as well as normative compliance, IPD phases, medical check-ups, driving and professional licenses, training courses, and breakdowns monitoring deadlines. The software system can manage any type of deadline and automatically sends notifications by e-mail to the addressee with a configured date and message, thus guaranteeing the fulfillment of deadlines and providing a global perspective on the company’s activities.
The Bertani Group, a leading company in the goods and transport sector, offers storage and integrated logistics services via the many companies in its group located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Poland.
Its warehouses are located at strategic points along major transport routes with a total capacity of 40,000 loading docks.
Services offered include de-waxing, washing, PDI (inspection before delivery), auto body/ mechanical repairs. The company’s attention to safety and environmental concerns are reflected in its accesses control procedures, vehicle insurance (against accidents and weather damage) and its procedures for the disposal of waste and packaging materials at the pick-up and drop-off point.
Critical issues, problems and objectives
The company has been duly certified in the areas of Quality (UNI EN ISO 9001:2008) and Safety (OHSAS 18001), and has decided to optimize its management systems by introducing software programmes that will ensure the integrated management and control of every phase in the transport process.
Based on the Bertani Group’s requirements, Sinergest has developed solutions in 4 areas:
• Management of complaints, non-conformities, corrective, preventive and optimization measures
• Deadline control through a centralized due register
• Systematic control of every stage of vehicle access: vehicle management on the premises, loading and unloading procedures, automated reception module (check-in and check-out by magnetic card), automatic alerts (sms/e-mail) sent to visitors in cases of emergency
• Internal inspection and verification procedures to meet the company’s quality, safety and environmental sustainability standards through an Audit Management Module equipped with a mobile app for collection of data and in transit.
PM S.p.A, based in Modena, has been representing excellence in mechanical manufacturing and precision assembly for many years. The structure of its production processes is extremely flexible and its workforce is highly qualified. Ducati, Daimler AG, Mercedes AMG, ZF, and Oerlikon are just some of its clients.
Critical issues, problems, objectives
PM’s objective was to computerize the management and control of each phase in its production processes, with the aim of optimizing the company’s internal processes, fulfilling all normative and legislative prescriptions, and meeting its customers’ needs.
In addition to guaranteeing products that conform precise specifications, the computerized system had to be able to provide the necessary data for deep process studies with the objectives of preventing drift and improving the company’s performance.
Sinergest first conducted a meticulous analysis of PM’s complex production operations. Working closely with a team from the company’s staff, Sinergest consultants mapped all of the company’s activities in terms of workflow and timing, record keeping, and responsibilities, thus defining the specifications for implementation of Sinergest Suite software and in order to define the specifications for the Sinergest Suite software package that was to be custom-adapted and implemented to meet PM SpA’s specific needs.
In the following phase, Sinergest configured an IT module able to manage: plans and reports for checking the production batch release; the different phases and aspects of the production process (sampling, frequencies, and control); and, last but not least, output registration allowing vertical elaboration of the data, e.g. by product, batch, customer, and control feature.
Control charts – which are fundamental to monitoring and controlling the different process values – have been incorporated into the module.
The strong points of this Sinergest Suite module are its flexibility, simplicity, and the intuitiveness of the production user interface, which differs from the control and coordination responsible user interface.
A further phase in which the platform will be extended to other areas (e.g. non-conformities, 8D reports, supplier qualification and monitoring) is presently in course.
Sinergest Suite software is developed on a web-based technology; this means that you can access it from any position and any browser(Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari). The application is installable on an internal server or a cloud server, depending on your needs; it is usable from PC or from smartphones and tablets through a simplified view or dedicated apps.
Sinergest Suite offers a consolidated know-how in the approach of company’s processes, developed over 15 years of consultancy experience. Project Managers are highly qualified in the field of management systems, and they have quality auditor qualifications. Their approach is always consultative rather than merely informative, orientated towards the organizational management optimization.
It offers a complete and scalable coverage of the processes. Thanks to Sinergest Suite’s complete and modular structure, you can manage all the processes related to management systems, from the more critical area, with the certainty of being able to expand and integrate management areas afterwards, depending on your growth and your new needs.
Implementation and training times on projects are extremely rapid.
We can assure you the maximum usability by any kind of user thanks to its specific interfaces studied for every need: ordinary, simplified, for smartphones and for tablets.
It is rapidly configurable and customizable. Each user can easily and independently configure his/her views and export registers, sheets and statistics in .doc/.pdf/.xls. Sinergest Suite also allows you low cost and fast customizations.
Thanks to our Project Managers’ consultation support, after an analysis of the processes, the app can be adapted to your needs through modification and development of modules ad hoc.
Sinergest Suite’s software can be installed in a company’s internal server.In case your company has its own hardware infrastructure and prefers an internal installation, Sinergest’s specialists will install the application on the company’s suitable server, supported by the ICT function. In this case the server, even unpublished, will be reachable through company’s lan and/or intranet.
In case your company prefers to avoid any kind of impact on its hardware infrastructure or does not have a suitable one, it is possible to have a Cloud server installation. In this case Sinergest is able to provide a rental service of the server with specific configuration of the machines based on the project.Cloud could be in any case transfer on the internal server on specific company request.
When it comes to audit management it is possible to integrate graphometric solutions if required.
The application can be installed on an internal server or on a cloud server.
The application is equipped with its own schedule and it can configure an automatic e-mail/SMS notification service, which is activated in case of alerts, provisions, deadlines, anomalies, in order to ensure an effective control of the process, completed by a specific dashboard for the module.
Sinergest consultants are at your disposal, starting from listening to your needs, up to the presentation of a demo offering the solution best suited to your needs.
In order to ensure the best demo design, it is important that from the beginning Sinergest is in a position to understand the specific needs to be met and the ecosystem of product use.
Each of our projects has rapid implementation times, allowing the company to be operational within a few months. During the start-up phase we ask to some of the internal personnel to be available for a few days to be involved in the analysis and configuration of the application.
In any case, Sinergest is able to guarantee a work rate on the basis of the agreed specifications.
We generally recommend a first call with the most suitable consultant in order to gather information, illustrate the characteristics and functioning of Sinergest Suite, define the macro-lines of any project (number and type of users, necessary modules, software and technologies to be integrated, any data porting, modifications or customizations) and provide an estimate in terms of times and costs.
In case of complex projects, we recommend further analyzes for a better definition of the requirements and a greater level of detail of the estimate.
Each computerization project has three cost items:
user platform licenses and management modules (one-off),
start-up services (installation, configuration, training),
annual maintenance fee and customer service.
To provide an estimate we need to understand the number of users to involve and the management modules the company needs to activate. For this reason we recommend a first meeting/demo, also via web, with one of our consultants, in order to better understand the needs and be able to quantify the costs of a potential project.
It is also important to understand if the company is willing to equip itself with a mobile version for the execution of the checklists and the collection of evidence on site, as well as with the simplified lite views, useful for involving the audited subjects when viewing the outcomes and managing any actions taken.
Sinergest supports the customer in all aspects of the activities regarding the stages of analysis, configuration, training and product assistance. The goal is to guarantee our customers a service that achieves levels of excellence and is able to offer complete support in a timely manner.
Sinergest Customer Service manages:
1 – Communications concerning issuance of new releases and patches
2 – Organization and management of informative/training Webinars
3 – Customer Satisfaction Surveys
4 – Receipt of requests for assistance and intervention
5 – Customer support service
The support service is provided by Sinergest through a dedicated staff:
Project Manager, is the first contact person of the company; personally cares for the development of the project, supporting the personnel involved in the project in every phase of software implementation (analysis, configuration and training) and transmits all the specifications of installation, integration, import, port and personalization to the Development Center.
Customer Service, available from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 at the following addresses:
© 2023 Sinergest - C.F. e P.I.: 01828190460 / Sede legale: Via Pesciatina, 91/A , 55012 Capannori (LU) Registro imprese: REA LU – 222938 / Capitale Sociale: € 95.000,00 I.V.
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